
body surface Learn more about body surface

  • How to identify the quality of fish species

    How to identify the quality of fish species

    First, to see whether the specifications are uniform of the same kind of fish, those who come out of the pond with uniform specifications are generally more physically fit. Second, to see if the fish is glossy and strong, there is a layer of mucus on the body surface of the fish to protect the scales and skin from germs, so the body surface shows a certain luster. On the other hand, the body surface of sick and injured fish is lack of mucus and no luster, or some diseased fish have too much mucus and lose their luster. Third, the body color of the fish species reflects its advantages and disadvantages through the body color of the fish species. The body surfaces of high-quality fish species are respectively:

  • What kind of creature is paramecium? What is its structure and function?

    What kind of creature is paramecium? What is its structure and function?

    Friends who have studied biology believe that paramecium is no stranger to paramecium, although there is only one cell, but its growth ability is also very strong. Let's take a look at what paramecium is. What is its structural function piece? What kind of creature is paramecium

    2020-11-11 Paramecium what is it biology its structure function yes how
  • Undeclared body surface reflection of lung qi

    Undeclared body surface reflection of lung qi

    The lung dominates Xuanfa, which is the saying of traditional Chinese medicine. According to ancient Chinese medicine, it is said that it distributes qi in the whole body, and transports the essence of the spleen to the lung to the whole body, transporting Wei qi, reaching the skin, nourishing the flesh, nourishing the skin, and regulating the skin. Such as in "medical practice."

  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases in Pseudosciaena Crocea culture

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases in Pseudosciaena Crocea culture

    Benedeniasis [etiology] Benedenidosis is caused by parasitism. [symptoms] Benedenia is often parasitic on the body surface of large yellow croaker, yellowfin sea bream, red sea bream, black sea bream, grouper and other marine fish, especially in the first half of the back. When Benedenia parasites on the fish, the fish are restless in the water, swim crazily, rub against the net or pool wall, tear the epidermis with the size hook of the fixed plate behind the worm, injure and inflame the body surface, and secrete a large amount of mucus. In severe cases, anemia, weight loss, local or large area ulcers on the body surface or appear

  • Prevention and treatment of bovine hyperhidrosis caused by ruptured long nodules on the body surface

    Prevention and treatment of bovine hyperhidrosis caused by ruptured long nodules on the body surface

    Prevention and treatment of bovine hyperhidrosis caused by ruptured long nodules on the body surface

  • Diagnosis and treatment of 55 common aquatic diseases

    Diagnosis and treatment of 55 common aquatic diseases

    Diagnosis and treatment of 55 common aquatic diseases

  • Multiple diseases can easily lead to the symptomatic treatment of crazy swimming disease of fish.

    Multiple diseases can easily lead to the symptomatic treatment of crazy swimming disease of fish.

    Multiple diseases can easily lead to the symptomatic treatment of crazy swimming disease of fish.

  • Treatment of several diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    Treatment of several diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    1. White spot disease (stimulating cryptonuclear disease) 1. Pathogen: stimulating cryptonuclei, also known as "marine fish melons", belongs to the ciliate phylum of melons. The body is oval or spherical, and there are uniform cilia on the surface of the whole body. two。 Symptoms: the worm is mainly parasitic on the body surface, gills and fins of Pseudosciaena Crocea. In the early stage of the disease, white spots can be seen on the caudal and pectoral fins of diseased fish. With the development of the disease, the white spots gradually spread to the body surface and Gill, and the white spots increased to form a membrane, commonly known as "white spot disease". Sick fish are restless, or swim in circles along the wall of the pond, or

  • How to identify the quality of fish species in aquaculture

    How to identify the quality of fish species in aquaculture

    Strong fish species is not only an important basis for increasing adult fish production, but also one of the main conditions to improve the survival rate of fish species. The main standards for identifying the quality of fish species are 5.

  • How to treat white spot disease in cultured grouper

    How to treat white spot disease in cultured grouper

    Symptoms: White spot is one of the serious diseases of grouper, especially in high-density temporary culture ponds and cage culture. The disease spreads rapidly. Serious 34 days can kill all fish in the pond and form complications with paragonimus in cages. The infection rate is up to 90%.

    2020-11-08 Culture grouper how treatment leukoplakia disease symptoms manifestations
  • How to distinguish high-quality fish species

    How to distinguish high-quality fish species

    A look at the specifications of fish species the specifications of the same kind of fish in the same pond should be neat and uniform, with little difference in body length and weight. On the contrary, the overall survival rate of poor fish species with large individual gap and uneven quality is often very low due to predation, mixed germplasm, poor feeding and other reasons. Second, look at the body color of fish species. The body color of fish species is bright and full of luster. Different species and different feeding methods have different body colors. Generally speaking, the back of high quality silver carp should be silver gray, the side of body and abdomen should be silver white, and the body color of high quality grass carp should be light.

  • Why pond fish lack oxygen in winter

    Why pond fish lack oxygen in winter

    This is because when the temperature drops, the surface water temperature of deep-water ponds, fertile water ponds and cage high-density aquaculture waters is lower than that of the lower layer, and the specific gravity of water is higher than that of the lower layer. As a result, the surface cold water sinks and the lower warm water floats, forming vertical convection of the water body. On the other hand, the water body of the deep water layer is anoxic or even anaerobic, and the anoxic and anoxic water body floats up, resulting in serious hypoxia in the upper water body. On the other hand, the vertical movement of the water body accelerates the oxidation and decomposition of residual bait and feces deposited at the bottom of the pond, and increases the oxygen consumption in the water body. On the other hand, winter is too much

  • Control of common diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    Control of common diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    First, stimulate cryptonuclear disease (white spot disease) symptoms of a large number of small white spots on the body surface, serious fish body covered with a layer of white film, due to the destruction of the worm will cause secondary bacterial infection, resulting in fish skin inflammation, necrosis, scales easy to fall off, fin decay, split, parasitic Gill, destroy Gill, infected with bacteria, will cause rotten Gill phenomenon. When the worm invades the cornea of the fish, it will cause inflammation, blindness, loss of appetite, thin body and swimming disorder. The worm body can be observed and judged by microscope. Prevention

  • Control methods of common diseases of puffer fish

    Control methods of common diseases of puffer fish

    Control methods of common diseases of puffer fish

  • Don't forget to control six major diseases of mushrooms in winter

    Don't forget to control six major diseases of mushrooms in winter

    Brown rot diseased mushrooms were infected when young, unable to differentiate, and irregular gray-white "goose heads" were formed in the later stage, such as the mushroom lid was as thick as fist, or the stipe cap was difficult to distinguish, and a layer of "white hair" was planted on the surface. When the temperature was above 20 ℃, the diseased mushroom color darkened in 4 to 5 days, then rotted, oozed brown and soy sauce, and rotted and stinked; if the greenhouse temperature was lower than 20 ℃, the process became longer, about 7 days. If the fruiting body is infected in the middle stage of growth, the brown spot appears on the surface of the cap, and the stalk is chubby, followed by the mushroom body.

  • Main Diseases and Control techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus in North China

    Main Diseases and Control techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus in North China

    1 symptoms of soft rot 1.1 the surface of the culture material or mushroom body is covered with a layer of white woolly fungus, slender but growing fast, and the gradually infected mushroom body spreads light brown morbid from the base of the fungus, and the mushroom body gradually soft rot; about a week after infection, the mushroom body loses automatically or falls down with a gentle touch, just like Chinese cabbage with soft rot, but the soft rot mushroom body has no smell. The growth rate of the mushroom body which is not yet soft rot is very slow, and the bacterial cap is gradually yellowish, lifeless and not bright, which is obviously different from the normal mushroom body; the infected material is no longer infected.

  • Dehydration and drying of Lentinus edodes

    Dehydration and drying of Lentinus edodes

    First, if the number of Lentinus edodes harvested or purchased is so large that it is too late to bake on the same day, it must be spread out in a low-temperature ventilated place and accumulate as thin as possible to prevent internal heat and affect the quality of baked products. Second, at the initial stage of baking, the temperature in the oven or drying room should increase slowly, generally no more than 5 ℃ per hour. If the temperature rises too fast, the surface of the mushroom body shrinks rapidly, which leads to the blockage of capillaries, which makes it difficult to remove the moisture inside the mushroom body. If it is light, it causes the mushroom body to wrinkle and the surface becomes wavy.

  • Prevention of crayfish diseases is more important than cure. how to prevent and cure crayfish body surface diseases

    Prevention of crayfish diseases is more important than cure. how to prevent and cure crayfish body surface diseases

    Prevention of crayfish diseases is more important than cure. how to prevent and cure crayfish body surface diseases

  • Control of bacterial Brown spot of Edible Fungi

    Control of bacterial Brown spot of Edible Fungi

    The main results are as follows: 1. the pathogen and occurrence conditions of edible fungus bacterial brown spot is Pseudomonas tora, which is widely distributed in nature. The pathogen can easily multiply under the conditions of high temperature, high humidity, poor ventilation and so on. Reproduction is accelerated when the temperature is above 18 ℃ or the air relative humidity is above 85%. During the period of mushroom emergence, the water with bacteria was sprayed on the fruiting body, the mushroom bed was poorly ventilated, the humidity was too high, the surface of the mushroom cover and culture medium were stagnant for a long time, and the same mushroom and the same variety were repeatedly planted in the greenhouse for several years. The greenhouse film gathers condensed water to drop on the bag or bacteria, etc.

  • Method for bathing fingerling in medicine

    Method for bathing fingerling in medicine

    It is simple and safe to treat fish body with medicated bath before fingerling stocking, and the effect of preventing fish disease is ideal. Now introduce several kinds of better fingerling medicine bath method. 1. Potassium permanganate solution medicated bath method 10~20 mg/kg potassium permanganate aqueous solution medicated bath for 10~30 minutes, can kill the body surface and gill bacteria, protozoa and monogenetic trematodes. Potassium permanganate should be prepared for immediate use, liquid water should be selected with less organic matter, backlight for medicinal bath. 2. Bleaching powder liquid medicine bath method 10~20
